
How Much Did It Cost To Repair The Tri State Tornado

Observations | Local/National Assay
Aeriform Damage Photos | Ground Damage Photos | Xenia F5 Track Map

The Apr iii-4, 1974 Super Outbreak affected xiii states across the eastern United states of america, from the Great Lakes region all the way to the Deep South. In all, 148 tornadoes were documented from this consequence, of which 95 were rated F2 or stronger on the Fujita scale and 30 were F4 or F5. Aside from all the castastrophic damage they left backside, the tornadoes resulted in

Detailed Super Outbreak tornado path and intensity analysis, hand drawn by Dr. T. Theodore Fujita of Academy of Chicago. (click for high-res version)

335 deaths and more than 6000 injuries.

Some of the strongest tornadoes from this outbreak occurred right hither in the Ohio Valley. Dozens of tornadoes struck Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky, resulting in 159 deaths, over 4000 injuries, and hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage. 2 vehement F5 tornadoes destroyed much of Xenia and Sayler Park (a western suburb of Cincinnati) in Ohio. Resulting in 34 deaths, the Xenia tornado was the deadliest of all tornadoes from this outbreak and remains amid the top ten costliest U.S. tornadoes on record (approximately $250 million in 1974). Several other strong F2 to F4 tornadoes also touched down during the Super Outbreak across southeast Indiana, northern Kentucky, and southwest Ohio, an surface area that today encompasses NWS Wilmington, Ohio's alarm surface area.

National Conditions Service office boundaries and technology were quite dissimilar back in 1974. The Atmospheric condition Service Function (WSO) in Cincinnati served the greater Cincinnati Tri-Country area while WSO Dayton was responsible for the Miami Valley and west-primal Ohio. In those days, non every NWS role was equipped with a radar. A WSR-57 (Atmospheric condition Surveillance Radar - 1957) was installed at WSO Cincinnati in 1960, giving NWS meteorologists coarse reflectivity data but no velocity data, which fabricated it extremely difficult to discover tornadoes. Storms on the radar screen were traced onto thin paper maps, and meteorologists heavily relied on the manifestation of hook echoes likewise as spotter reports when issuing tornado warnings. WSO Dayton did non have a radar of its own but utilized a facsimile automobile tied into Cincinnati'due south WSR-57 (also known by its identifier, CVG) display.

When the CVG radar displayed hook echoes and other impressive storm features outside WSO Cincinnati's warning area on Apr 3, meteorologists there made calls to the appropriate neighboring offices. At one point, the CVG radar screen displayed five distinct hook echoes--more than than

A massive F5 tornado bears down on Xenia. Photograph taken from the Greene Memorial Hospital by Fred Stewart.

meteorologists in that location had ever seen before. Shortly after 4:30 PM, a phone call was fabricated by WSO Cincinnati to WSO Dayton to ensure they had seen the hook echoes, of which i was chop-chop approching Xenia. In fact, the National Weather Service in Dayton had already issued a tornado warning for Montgomery and Greene counties around four:10 PM (in outcome until five:00 PM), based on radar indication of a possible tornado 25 miles northeast of Cincinnati moving northeastward. The tornado touched down nigh 4:33 PM near Lower Bellbrook Road, flattened much of the Windsor Park and Arrowhead subdivisions minutes after, then roared into central Xenia around 4:40 PM. In the following months, careful analysis of all the impairment led Dr. Fujita and other experts to determine that the Xenia tornado was in fact the worst of all the 148 Super Outbreak tornadoes.

Nigh an hour after the Xenia tornado, another tearing F5 tornado took aim at the western suburbs of Cincinnati. The merely tri-state twister of the Super Outbreak, this tornado originated well-nigh Rising Sun in Indiana around 5:xxx PM, passed through Kentucky, and then crossed the Ohio River

A view of the Sayler Park tornado as information technology moved through the Bridgetown area. Photo taken by Frank Altenau.

to inflict severe damage in Sayler Park and other neighborhoods west of Cincinnati. This tornado was witnessed by many, including by those at the Greater Cincinnati International Airport and WSO Cincinnati, which had issued a tornado alarm at 4:45 PM (in effect until 5:45 PM). Then at five:40 PM, the power went out at WSO Cincinnati, resulting in a loss of radar, teletype, and most ways of communication. While the power was out for the adjacent three hours, the NWS in Cincinnati had some backup radar imagery bachelor from the Air Forcefulness and FAA and had the NWS in Cleveland issue warnings for them. Fortunately, most of the worst tornadoes had already occurred before the ability went down, but the demand for emergency ability backup at National Weather Service offices was recognized following this effect.

In the aftermath of this horrific event, many lessons were learned that have since been applied by various government agencies to mitigate hazards in subsequent severe weather outbreaks. Improvements in communications, warning systems, emergency preparedness, and forecast techniques and equipment take been implemented since the Super Outbreak, with the end consequence existence increased lead times for warnings, more accurate forecasts of events, greater public sensation, and more reliable communications.

The Cincinnati Post
April iv, 1974; Front Page

The Cincinnati Post
April iv, 1974; Folio fifteen

The Kentucky Mail
April 4, 1974; Front Page

The Cincinnati Mail
April half-dozen, 1974; Folio 41

Letter of the alphabet from Dr. T. Fujita to
the MIC of WSO Cincinnati

Preliminary Super Outbreak
map hand fatigued by Fujita

Super Outbreak tornado
stats compiled by Fujita

Fujita's Super Outbreak
questionnaire course

Weather observer'southward brush
with the Sayler Park tornado

Total area covered by
watches on April 3-four, 1974

April 3-4, 1974 tornado
warnings past canton

Comparison of Fujita Scale
and Enhanced Fujita Scale

Courtesy of the Ohio Historical Society, from their Ohio Memory collection.

Plaque honoring those
killed in the Xenia tornado
(photo by Brian Coniglio)

A 1978 documentary of the Super Outbreak, showing bodily footage of tornadoes as they
struck Xenia, Cincinnati, and Louisville, causing massive damage and numerous deaths.
Includes discussion of accelerate tornado preparation and emergency coordination.
Courtesy of the National Archives.

How Much Did It Cost To Repair The Tri State Tornado,


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